In Five Years

All Goods From The Woods ~ Mountain Inspiration ~ Eastern Sierras

Daydream much? How about five years ago? Rather than focusing on what life will look like “one day”, ask yourself and acknowledge how far you have come.

How similar is your life to your dreams of five years ago? We are all capable of living our dreams but if you are still singin’ the same song, you have to see it, and moving forward know that change is necessary for growth. There are two choices in life, Evolve or Repeat.

Before we start dreaming of five years from now, we should look at our track record…

Have you manifested all that you knew you were worthy of?

If you are proud of the life you have made, my heart is singin’ for you!

If you are off track, be honest with yourself and ask the hard WHY. Do not filter the truth.

-Were you dreaming too little? too big?

…for the record, I don’t believe in dreaming too big, but if your going to dream big, make sure you are willing to follow through with your actions. Prepare to fail, knowing that when you do, you are failing forward, learning important lessons that in the end only make you stronger + wiser.

-Did you skip the steps that brought you fear?

-Did you subconsciously distract yourself?

-Did you rely on others for your comfort and security?

Can you see that your life is exactly how you have created it?

It is a beautiful gift that we are the creators of our own reality, so lets honor our existence by being more mindful + conscious of what we cultivate.

Lets acknowledge all the dreams that HAVE come true.

Bust out the ol’ journal and write down all the ways you have changed over the last five years, the ways your routines have changed, who you spend your time with now as apposed to then, where you spend your time, how you feel and how you handle challenges. Do you look at the world the same way? How about how you see yourself? Do you know what your triggers are? Do you hold yourself accountable for your actions? Document the changes for better or for worse, but most importantly, be honest with yourself.

If you had told my twenty year old self where I am now, Five Years Later, I would most certainly be in tears. I could have never imagined the lessons I would learn, the path I would take or the places I would go. If I had to put my finger on ONE reason why I am here today, living this life that I cherish so deeply, it is because I chose my well being first. When presented with crossroads, I chose the path that brought me joy + the path that was in alignment with high self worth (taking risks with confidence in myself) .

After diving deep into reflection, I can see that I have made A LOT of change in my own life. How I see the world, how I see myself and how living on purpose has landed me exactly where I am. I find myself living in alignment with my deepest passion, being a creator, creating abundance and prosperity from within. I am independent and self sufficient. I am grateful for my vessel which allows me to spend most of my days in the wilderness, connecting to the land, engaged in the ecosystem. I feel liberated and one with the earth. My existence is fluid and authentic. I perceive currency as an energy which furthers my freedom. I am able to look fear in the face, and do it anyway. I hold myself accountable and can admit that I have mistreated others in ways I couldn’t fathom to repeat. As we grow, we shed the layers and shatter the stories we once told ourselves. This path was not all that graceful or perfect but necessary to be exactly where I am today. Most of all, I am grateful for this journey and to find myself right here, right now.

Where do you see yourself Five Years from Now??

What are the first categories of life you think of when you are asked this question?

Most visualize a house, a lover, a career, a family etc.

For me, as long as I have been asked this question, it has created more confusion than clarity because the question implies that there is only one destination. For me, its not about where I am, but how I feel. In five years I could be in any number of places, but wherever I am, I will be alive from inside. I will be free, surrounded by beauty, creating from my heart, in love, serving others, sharing love for our planet, spreading peace, living simply and enjoying every single day. In five years, I’ll be living more of my dream, in ways I cant even imagine. Along the way I will remain open to receive miracles, gain new perspectives, and stay flexible in my approach.

Remember that when you dream for things, you are really dreaming of a feeling that those “things will bring”, and how we feel is entirely up to how we choose to see the world and our place in it.

y o u . C R E A T E . y o u r . o w n . r e a l i t y