Living On Purpose in the New Paradigm

Watch this video as I talk about Life in 2020 and Living on Purpose in this New Paradigm.

I ask many questions and hope you take the time to dig deep into them as well. It’s important to reveal your core values and take a look at the direction you are heading during this time. Is the direction you are heading towards intentional? Is it on purpose? Is it aligned with your core values?

As a result of my meditation practice and answering these questions in my journal over and over again, I have come to the realization that it is time for me to STEP UP and create a community where we can improve our relationship and knowledge of the plant kingdom with one another. This community that I am actively cultivating is intentionally built within an already existing tribe that has access to the most potent therapeutic grade essential oils as well as a proven foundation of education in place. ALL are welcome.

This calling - to Show Up and offer you the necessary tools to improve our relationship with Nature as a collective has lived in my heart for a reeeeal long time. It is my desire to guide you in rekindling your relationship with the land. To learn her language and understand and trust your own skills in being able to identify and sustainably harvest wild edibles, drink clean water from the Earth + to actively participate in the ecosystem. We belong to this Earth and I believe it is our duty to not only receive gifts from the land but to also offer gifts to the land.

Part of how we can better show up for this planet, is by ditching the unnecessary chemicals in our homes and everyday lives and switching to plant based (chemical free) products, because we all know that what we consume doesn’t just end with us, everything eventually makes a return to Nature and I know we all collectively feel how important it is to step up and protect her.

My personal offerings are just a tiny sliver of all the magic each member has to give within this wildly diverse + knowledgeable community. We have a wellspring of online resources that we share among one another as well as virtual gatherings where we show up and teach one another about SO MUCH MORE than just oil education. For instance, we have a few people who are teaching about Permaculture, Astrology, Ayurveda, Gardening Tips, Entrepreneurial Wisdom, Chakras, Movements for Wellness, Scientific Data on Frequency, Mindsets + Psychology and so much more. I have finally found a safe community where we can celebrate our diverse interests and ways of living while supporting one another on this journey of growth, learning, discovering, and forming businesses that align with our purest intentions. Whether you care to pursue the business opportunity within this community or not, we honor you on your path and support you wholeheartedly.

I have put in over 100 hours of research into Young Living within the last few months and I confidently support them in their transparent mission to sustainably grow, harvest and distill their own plant magic. Young Living upholds rigorous sourcing standards that complies with responsible stewardship of the earth. If you wish to learn more about the community, the opportunity or about Young Living and their environmental/business practices, I encourage you to browse through my website (link below)

You can also find me on Instagram @InTheWildWeRise

With Love and Gratitude,
