Chrysocolla Potion Bottle and Strawberry Quartz MALA

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Chrysocolla Potion Bottle and Strawberry Quartz MALA


Potion bottle / / Essential Oil Storage - this Chrysocolla piece has a screw on top.

Each knot was tied and bead was strung with an intention to strengthen our highest self. By showing up as our highest selves, we show up with love, we consciously seek beauty, practice self love, nurture the relationships that bring us joy, let go of the ones that do not, make space for abundance & bliss, and allow ourselves to surrender to the flow.

Inspiration / / Metaphysics

Chrysocolla is powerful for, allowing one to channel the loving knowledge of the heart to others. It allows for clear communication of one’s innate inner wisdom, even discerning what that wisdom may be. The surprise of hearing oneself speak aloud a thought more profound than what one had in mind demonstrates this gift of expression.

Strawberry Quartz carries all the energies of a Clear Quartz, with the additional vibrations of universal love, understanding of your reason in this world, and courage to seize the day. Carrying a piece of Strawberry Quartz can be very soothing and calming for you, especially when you work in a fast-paced environment.

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