Larimar Kevlar Necklace ~ Dainty, Durable + Intentional Daily Jewels

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Larimar Kevlar Necklace ~ Dainty, Durable + Intentional Daily Jewels


Jewelry that can join you on your every adventure.

These necklaces are made up of 50% Kevlar (70 lb test) + 50% Silk,

Durable + Comfortable ~ perfect for everyday wears

Metaphysics ~ Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy. It is recommended for people who are stressed and it is said to be a healing stone.

**Most popular lengths range from 15" to 18" (optimum to layer with other accessories). If you are seeking a specific length, please leave me a “note” with your order, otherwise they will be strung on 18” Kevlar.

Please note that if an item has multiple in stock that there may be slight differences in the one you receive from the one in the photo due to natures talent of never creating an exact duplicate. Because you have gone out of your way to make it HERE, I will send you the most vibrant, beautiful, easy on the eyes stone :)

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